Adult Rabbit Food (PROFESSIONAL)

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User Reviews

Twitch - lifetime customer

Posted by Twitch

Twitch started on Sherwood when he was a young kit. He is now a healthy 3 year old buck! His for is always silky smooth and soft. We only use this product. Highly recommend getting this early on for a healthier bunny.

Best Rabbit Pellets

Posted by Dana

I was pleasantly surprised to see how fresh these pellets are when they arrive -they are a nice green and not brown like other pellets I've purchased. I have one bunny with prior tooth issues, so the less pellets she gets the better. However, she is also blind and I need to make sure she keeps weight on her. These pellets are perfect for her. She loves the fresh smell and anticipates them every afternoon, in small supply. My other rabbits also love them. I have recommended these pellets for two rescue organizations I volunteer with.

Great food and convenient

Posted by Bunny Boo Boo

We have had our bunny on this food for awhile. We purchased it online this time because several times the pet store didn't have your food and we had to give him something else until they got it in. We didn't like that and ordering online is much easier to insure he gets the right food all the time.

No Worries

Posted by Holly

Our Holland Lop is just 8 months old, I heard about Sherwood from a you tube video that I subscribe to. Our Alice was not having any health issues, but I did notice that when we started feeding Sherwood she started molting and has a wonderful, soft coat. I am just glad that I found this product early in her life before she developed any health problems from a poor diet. She seems to love her pellets and took to them during the transition just fine. I also have the SARX recovery and hope that I never have top use it.

Great food!

Posted by Pamela

My rabbits love the food!!! They are so healthy and have beautiful shiny coats!!

Excellent food!

Posted by Jan

My house rabbit loves this food and she is so healthy!

The best

Posted by

I feel good knowing I’m feeding my rabbits the highest quality pellets possible. And it’s so Connie t having them shipped right to our door.


Posted by Liz

My bunnies would only occasionally peck at their old food here and there, only eating a mouth full or two. After getting Sherwood professional, my rabbits both look forward to it! They hear the bag open and start dancing around the house, doing binkies and sprinting around. They absolutely cannot wait to start scarfing it down. Their fur is so much more soft and shiny, have much more energy and seem happier. I too can see and smell the difference between their old food and Sherwood. If I were eating rabbit food, I too would choose Sherwood! Im so glad it was recommended by my rescue! Thank you!


Posted by Lenny & Eevah

My buns were skeptical at first. Sniffing then nudging it out of the way and eating their usual fare. That changed after a few days. Now it's the first pellets scarffed up. Looks and smells so fresh!! No fillers or sweeteners, great product. We will be adding this to our regular diet.


Posted by

This Sherwood pro changed my bunnies for the better. Their fur is nicer and their droppings are perfect. My four indoor rabbits love this food. They get a tbsp twice a day and they eat tons of hay.

Great Food

Posted by Jan

I was feeding Oxbow Organic and Tootsie was having some urinary issues. After several trips to the vet with nothing solved, I switched to the professional diet and she is doing great!!! What a difference. Her 'sludge' is gone and she is a happy bun once again! Will be staying on this food.

great pro

Posted by Ronnie

sweet & simple. Great product would recommend to anyone with pet rabbits

Great for my bunny!

Posted by Liz

I absolutely think these pellets are the best out there. My rabbit Ailise has been on them for several years now and her coat is improved, her weight remains healthy, and she is in excellent health overall. I also grind some pellets to a flour to bake into bunny-suitable healthy treats for her (which she loves). Thanks for making such a great product!

excellent quality ingredients buns love it

Posted by Sydney

I feed in conjunction with timothy hay and a tiny bit of black oil sunflower a day and the coats and weights on our mini rex are amazing. Wish came in larger sizes, hint hint.

Fresh and and packed with nutrients!

Posted by Megan

I got my package in and you could smell the quality of this food before even opening the package. It's beautiful dark vibrant green if I liked to eat grass I would eat this. So clean so pure. Do not ever change your recipe this is spot on and healthy. The whole less is more applies to ingredients and with this short ingredient list its definitely a great thing.

My rabbits love this food!

Posted by Ashton

I really love the quality of this product. It's fresh and green and looks like actual food. It's also helped with changing the smell of my rabbits urine as well. They can't get enough of it and I'm more than happy to fill their bellies with something that's healthy and yummy! Thanks Sherwood!!!

Thankful for this great food


I wrote a review way back circa 2013, but am again, affirming that this is great food. (after having been sent into the spin cycle by vets , not trusting my own observations) Our Mongrel Horde are 6 rescues that we love dearly(Shenanigans (Sable), Tater Tot(Orange Rex mix), King James(California), Hieronymus Unch (white dwarf mix), Turbo (New Zealand white), and Hamish McWee (brown dwarf mix)..and have just finished completely switching them out. Mine get unlimited hay, but I was still hesitant to give them All Sherwood pellets + HAY..but am glad I did.(husband is happy too) WE Love to see their HAPPY HEALTHY faces, ready to dance every morning...they LOVE THEIR PELLETS. My ten year old is more active and snoring less. My New Zealand "Foster" who has had a stoke is boppinh arounde like I can['t believe.. Sherwood thank you for this food. My Bunnies are so much healthier, and because they are the center of our hearts and have made us healthier too. Thanks

Bunnies love it

Posted by Dorothy

When my bunnies hear me open the storage bin for their food, they come running to the food bowl. I have 4 bunnies, two food bowls, and they will all crowd around which ever one I fill first. I enjoy the fresh odor to the pellets as well.

Adult bunny food

Posted by Linda Keon

Whenever I have a sick rabbit I try these pellets and the bunnies seem to like them which gets them started eating.

Soft fur = Healthy Bunny

Posted by Patrick Mohney

We LOVE Sherwood Professional blend. Our Holland Lop is so happy and health. His fur is sooo much softer than other bunny's of the same breed.

Best food ever

Posted by undefined

This is still the best rabbit food you'll find anywhere. My Angora is a really picky eater but he loves this feed :)

The best rabbit food

Posted by Lesly

As someone who always wants to take THE best care of my animals I possibly can, I spare no expense; I do research, I ask vets and veteran owners, and I form educated opinions. In my aforementioned opinion, this is THE best rabbit food out there, as the primary ingredients are hay-based and not corn and other nonsense fillers, which are the equivalent of feeding your bunny McDonalds everyday. My rabbits love it!!

The Best!

Posted by Melisa

My rabbit LOVES her Sherwood Pet Health pellets! She gets a small scoop in the morning as she is a great hay eater and she does so well with this combination!

Healthy bunnies

Posted by Judie Fizer

since I switched my bunny's to Sherwood I've had healthy, energetic and happy bunnies. They seldom molt nothing like when they were on Oxbow. I'd like feeding them the pure natural bunny food of Sherwood Forest

rabbit food

Posted by chrissy

best food ever. smells great nice green color has no junk in it and my bunny loves it.

The Best!

Posted by undefined

Sherwood Adult Professional Rabbit Pellets have helped several rescue bunnies regain digestive health in just a few days. Plus, they love them! I feed all my bunnies Sherwood.

One of the best there is!

Posted by undefined

My rabbits love it. They are all healthy, have no digestive upsets, and chow down on the pellets and all the hay I can provide. I order this food routinely, and panic a little when the 19 lb. box runs low. Which reminds me, I need to order some more. Thirty-two foster house rabbits eat a lot of food!

Best Food

Posted by Candice

My 4 rabbits love this food. They run to their bowls when they hear it drop in. Super healthy rabbits, no digestive issues and they eat a ton of hay.

Rabbits love it!!!

Posted by Lara Nock

I have been feeding our rabbits these pellets for a few years. I can't say I thought about them a whole bunch until we recently purchased a new rabbit. He came with the pellets he had been eating. His older pellets were grey compared to the Sherwood pellets, which have a vibrant green color in comparison. Our new rabbit was not as interested in eating as our other rabbits, who greet me excitedly every time I come around, hoping for yummy treats. It took about three days after 5 days of weaning him off his grey pellets, onto the Sherwood pellets before he too began to greet me for food. He is now the friendliest rabbit we have. I think he is grateful for his change in diet.

Great Food!

Posted by Mary

I have been feeding this to my older rabbits and to my dentally compromised young rabbit, who has had his incisors removed. He's supposed to be a Flemish mix, but bad teeth stunted his growth, so we're trying to make up for lost time with the Sherwood pellets. He can't wait for meal time! Also had a report from a fellow rabbit rescuer about a little lionhead the vets said there was nothing to be done for her severe digestive problems. After a short while on Sherwood, she is eating and digesting well and gaining weight.

Amazing Pet Health

Posted by Patrick

We really love our Sherwood Bunny food. Whenever I see a bunny that isn't on Sherwood, I am reminded how Sherwood keeps our Bunny's fur nice and soft. I only wish we could buy Sherwood horse feed as well.


Posted by Linda

I tried the Didestive a Tablets first, then discussed this with Bob and Dave. Which was very helpful. My one bunny took to the adult formula when I tried it first, then tried the Orifessionsl red bag, she loved it. It is nice how she adjusts the amount her body needs. She is a good hay eater, so I stick with this one and put a little of the adult formula in the bowl also over night in case she wants it too. She went from Oxbow to thousand I a happy with the results along with the Digestive tablets. My other bunny took some time to try it. Dave suggested to keep trying and stir it well with his food from American Pet Diner, and after a couple weeks, loves it. Thanks Dave! No more molls sis and bad fillers! I was shocked to learn that these other name brands had such a low level of the main I ingredient hay! I am glad HRS told me about Sherwood, along with their website explaination in great detail education of their products, free samples and super reviews!


Posted by MANDY


Amazing Food

Posted by Maria B

My rabbit love it and I really can see the diference in her fur.

Excellent Rabbit Food

Posted by Sarah

My bunny can be a picky eater, but she loves the Sherwood Professional Rabbit Food. After only a short time on this food, her energy level is high, her coat is silkier than ever and her litter box does not offend the nose!

the best in the world and the best people in the world creating it

Posted by Judie Fizer

I cannot say enough good about Sherwood Forest Products for the company that makes it. They are caring and giving, if they make a mistake in your order they will send you the proper product immediately! If you're not feeding your bunny Sherwood you're doing them harm because it's the best and to me the only proper rabbit food on the market I've used them since the company's Inception and I'll use nothing else, I love these guys!

Great stuff

Posted by Ann

I've been using it for a while now & the difference is huge, especially for my elderly guy ( 13 1/2) ; his coat is so shiny & soft and he looks so healthy. Great great product, would definitely recommend to everyone & a quick word about David Sherwood, he is absolutely the best; there is not a question he doesn't answer, if he is not sure he finds out & more than that , he stands behind his products & will do anything to help you out. Finding Sherwood Forest is a real blessing!!!

Still the Best!

Posted by Jen

I've been using this food for a while now after switching from Oxbow. My three rabbits absolutely love it! I don't have to worry about GMOs or any other crap in their food, and it even smells nice and fresh! My rabbits had some health issues before switching to this food like copious shedding that seemed to last forever (beyond what is a normal shed for a rabbit). Now, their coats look beautiful. They still shed of course, but it's not as severe and constant as it was before. Their energy levels have improved, and they are all extremely healthy. One of my buns has chronic allergy problems and her congestion improved quite a bit once switching to this food. I'm very grateful that there is a company out there making such a high quality, reasonably priced product. When thinking about the long-term health and quality of life of your buns, this one is a no-brainer! Thanks Sherwood Forest!

My girls love it

Posted by Bev

I have two lionhead beauties that love this food. They wait and circle when they know it's coming. If I happen to forget momentarily I get the stare down. This was highly recommended as THE BEST and I can see why. I can see and smell the quality.


Posted by S

I have a holland lop who is about 3 lbs and 1 year old. He meets me at the cage door and goes crazy whenever I feed him this food. He LOVES it. Thanks.

Delicious, Nutritious, Worth the Money

Posted by Mary

Having just rescued a couple of female rabbits who graced us with a total of 14 babies, I am very happy to be feeding the mamas with the high quality Adult Pro Pellets. I am also feeding them to my 6 "teenage" bunnies and two young orphans. They all love the taste; I love the smell and the freshness, as well as the excellent ingredients.

Adult Pro Pellets

Posted by Kristy Ogden

Percy, my 15 lb Flemish Giant bun, was having GI issues because he refused to eat fiber - no pellets and no hay. Your product changed that. Thank you SO MUCH for helping me make my boy healthy again. There are no words to express how grateful I am.

Excellent high quality rabbit food!

Posted by Jen

I used to feed my rabbits Oxbow, but I was looking for something grain free and higher quality. This food is fresh, healthy, and my rabbits love it. One of them was a little heavy, and she leaned right out once starting these pellets. She also had some allergies that improved a lot after starting this food. I am very impressed and I would recommend Sherwood Forest over all of the other GMO-laden commercial garbage on the market. Thank you very much to Sherwood Forest for offering such a well-priced top-notch food!

Soft fur & bright eyes

Posted by Patrick Mohney

We just love how Sherwood Professional formula makes our Holland Lops fur so soft and his eyes so bright. We just know that we are feeding our pet the very best food available.

Behavior Difference

Posted by MK

We adopted our holland lop Dec. 2014. Her behavior was sporadic and unpredictable and she didn't consistently use the litter box, but she would chew it to pieces. I figured some of this behavior was from changing homes/surroundings, but I also figured some of it was nutrition related. Her previous owners had been feeding her bunny "junk food", the cheapest food from the big box store. They told us she loves it and doesn't really eat much hay. Well, I knew that had to change so I started investigating and found Sherwood Forest. They sent a sample and our bunny loved it! It is so fresh and a rich green compared to others. I started giving her the Sherwood Forest Adult Supplement Pellets in the morning and made sure Timothy hay was always available. She liked the pellets just ok initially. There were a couple of weeks that she didn't eat much of anything, she wanted her old junk food. But eventually she came around and started eating the whole serving of pellets as well as hay daily. Over the course of several months of her new eating regime (we added a little veg & fruit after she was consistent with hay & pellets) her behavior started to change too. She became calm and more friendly. She also started using her litter box all the time for pee & most of the time for poo. She LOVES her pellets now and sticks her head in the measuring scoop for a first bite before they even get in the bowl. We are convinced Sherwood Forest makes the best rabbit supplement out there. Our bunny is healthy & happy!

Good Enough To Eat

Posted by Mary

You open the bag and it smells like apple pomace, good enough to eat myself! I appreciate that the pellets are made very recently and contain no corn, soy, or wheat. I have no problem feeding even my adult rabbits (all but one are rescues)pellets with alfalfa because the alfalfa makes up a very small part of their diet, the rest being timothy, oat and orchard grass hays. Great product!

Bunny love

Posted by Dorothy

My 2 house buns really love the Sherwood pellets. They are both mini's so the pellet size is great for them. When they hear the food bucket open, they are sitting at the bowl, waiting.

Wonderful fresh pellets, but with a question..

Posted by Crystal

had to mix them in with the old to get my bunnies to start eating them, But once they got used to them, they loved them. I have a question though. I have 2 rabbits that are great hay eaters and one who barely touches her hay. I have tried all kinds of different hay with no success. I have been giving her the normal amount of limited pellets and daily greens. She has not had any health issues, but I am concerned about her long term health. We are still working on bonding, so she currently eats separate from the other 2. I wanted to try the unlimited timothy based pellets for her, but am wondering the best way to do that once they are all bonded and eating together, since it would be difficult to give her unlimited and give the other 2 limited professional pellets. I am wondering what you might suggest in that situation? BIOLOGIST ANSWER: I would provide the Adult complete version and unlimited hay to all three bunnies. Then the two bunnies that are eating lots of hay (and probably some of the complete pellets) you can supplement their diet by giving them a small bowl of PROFESSIONAL pellets at a specific feeding time where they will quickly gobble them up.

Love it!

Posted by Stephanie

My buns love it and I love how fresh and clean it smells. It's a great product and arrives fast!

Best Food on the Market

Posted by Faith

I've owned rabbits for years and done extensive research on nutrition needs and diet and I always buy Sherwood Forest. These pellets are the best, nutrition packed, essential for rabbits. Sherwood Forest is a step above Oxbow and becoming more and more preferred by members of the House Rabbit Society.

Rabbits love it!!

Posted by Briann Mobley

My 2 rabbits, TurBo and Hazel, love this food and so do we! Every morning they get so excited to get their food, they are trying to climb out of their cage to get it when it's food time.

Very healthy and inexpensive

Posted by Jonathan Chigges

My rabbit, Gunny, loves the food and is always racing to his chow bowl when he hears the pellets rustling around. The 0.75 oz per lbs seems to be a very good sizing for Gunny at 3 lbs with fresh greens to supplement and all the Timothy Hay he can handle. I'll definitely be purchasing from this company again. 5/5.

The Best Available

Posted by Lynda Hart

The adult rabbit food is the only kind I will ever get for our rabbit. It really helps keep her GI tract from getting soft stool.

Doc Loves It!

Posted by Angie

We found our domestic Lionhead rabbit to be finicky about his food. Wouldn't eat plain pellets and would only eat half the variety in the 'fancy' rabbit foods. We found Doc to eat this food very easily, with NO unwanted pieces left in the bottom of the bowl. I loved how fresh the food is and that it arrived very quickly. Thank you!

Bunny goes bonkers

Posted by undefined

My lionhead loves this food. I recently switched to this from the other adult food offered at Sherwood as he does better eating hay along with this.

Fresh tasty rabbit food

Posted by undefined

My three rabbits have free access to the outdoors to eat anything they want. I make the concentrated rabbit food available to them a little at a time and they love it.

Excellent Product

Posted by Mary Marvin

I have a rabbit with skin allergies and wanted to try natural pellets with no timothy. So happy I found your professional rabbit food. It smells good enough for me to eat and my rabbit loves it. I started my young Lionhead rescues on the pellets for young rabbits and graduated them to the professional food. They love it, and I'm thinking to switch all of my rabbits to it. It's great!

Best rabbit food

Posted by Patrick Mohney

We love our Sherwood professional rabbit feed. There is no doubt that our bunnies fur is softer and his eyes are brighter since switching to Sherwood professional.

best ever!

Posted by roberta and beasts

best VER!!!

Best, but so worried

Posted by Sharon

With one huge exception I love this product when mixed with adult food for occasional boost for seniors and for yearling/ young adult rabbits still growing, BUT I have enormous concerns for the increasingly invasive presence of GE alfalfa in western states, for what the unnatural genes and heavy applications of pesticides on GE crops will do to undermine our rabbits' sensitive gut health, immune health, etc. Please go organic with your alfalfa suppliers as soon as you can so I can feed in good conscience. I'd give this and other Sherwood alfalfa products full 5* but for this single very strong concern. *Biologist Note: We are aware of your concerns. Contact us if you would like to talk more about the issue. We are working towards using only certified organic alfalfa in the future. However, we have had great difficulty sourcing quality certified organic timothy hay.

The buns approve

Posted by Meg

These pellets look so much better than anything you'd ever find in stores. It lasts longer because the bunnies get fed less and the bunnies love it. My newest adoption had a messy bottom for a while. It's completely gone with this food. His digestion is so much better! We won't be going back to pet store food.

Family business, great product!

Posted by Judy

The absolute best! I have gone back to cheaper pellets due to cost a few times, but I always come running back to Sherwood Forest! I find that the rich and deeply healthy quality of the pellets means my bunnies actually eat less than more processed pellets. And I know they are healthier, so it's worth it for my peace of mind! I love my bunnies and I LOVE feeding them Sherwood Forest! Also, so easy - I order my 19 pounds, and it shows up in a box on my doorstep within a few days. So much easier than going to the store and shlepping bags around. I also love that this is a small family company, and I love to support them so much more than the pet store chains! 5 stars it is!!! :-)


Posted by undefined

Our rabbits love It.


Posted by Julie

Hettie and DiNozzeo love this food. They go crazy when I give it to them. And I love it cause I know that it is fresh and is best quality. Fast delivery and a great company to buy from.

My rabbit loves this food

Posted by Marlo

My rabbit has been eating the adult professional food for the last month. Since eating this food her coat is shiny and very soft. She also seems to have more energy. I'm very pleased with the quality of food.

Smells fresh, keeps my bunny with finicky tummy happy

Posted by Helen

First time user of "Adult Rabbit Food (Supplement)"! I started feeding this after my vet recommended it for my bunny who has a tendency to make excess cecals and have poopy butt. The pellet smells like fresh hay unlike a lot of others I've tried. It's a harder pellet so the bun really has to crunch on it, but she likes it a lot.

Premium Food

Posted by Linda Balestreri

This is the only food I feed my rabbits in addition to their hay. It is the highest quality food I have ever used.

My bunnies love this food

Posted by AMZ

The Sherwood Forest rabbit supplement are the only pellets I feed to my house rabbits. They absolutely love this food and they are very healthy and healthy-looking from eating it.

Best Rabbit Food Ever

Posted by undefined

After much research into rabbit food ingredients, Sherwood Forest came out on top for me and my bunny. There is quick turnaround on orders, and the pellets arrive in great condition and are obviously very fresh. My bunny has tried both kinds of adult rabbit food, and both kinds keep her fur shiny and soft. I have highly recommended Sherwood Forest to our vet.

Fantastic Rabbit Food!

Posted by Juanita, Willow & Ashur

I went in search of grain-free food for my rabbits as I feed grain-free food to my other furkids ( dogs and cats). It is something that is totally not available in stores pet or otherwise. I did some more digging and found these pellets and ordered. Best thing I could have rabbits absolutely LOVE this food! I will never feed them anything else. I also bought the Fescue hay when it was in season and they loved that also! I'm placing and order for the timothy hay as I write this and have no doubt that it will be a hit too! Thank you so much for caring enough to make this wonderful food!

High Quality Vegan Pellets

Posted by Jonathan Grindell

This is the only company that makes vegan tiffany pellets for rabbits, as they don't use vitamin D3, which is both cruel and unnecessary as a "supplement". Great product that the buns love!


Posted by undefined

She LOVES it!!!

Best EVER!

Posted by Roberta

Best ever rabbit food! I will feed my rabbit NOTHING else! Keep up the great work!

The Best!

Posted by Cynthia

Recently switched to the supplement formula since my buns are eating lots of hay. I am certain that Sherwood has encouraged their hay eating habits, it smells exactly like fresh hay, unlike other brands they have tried in the past.

Excellent Pellets

Posted by KJ

I am extremely happy with these pellets. I switched my Netherland Dwarf over from a Katee brand pellet about 2 months ago, and we are both very pleased. He goes absolutely crazy for them; he loves them so much I actually use part of his daily ration as training treats! He will do anything to get more pellets! I've also been very pleased with the overall health aspects. My bunny was producing excess cecals, which he kindly left all over the floor; after switching, I haven't found a single cecal. I have not noticed yet any change in sheen of his coat, but he was shedding moderately between molts before, and that has also stopped almost completely. Except during his regular molt, there is no shedding at all (yay, no more vacuuming every 2 days!). He is also eating a lot more hay than he was before, and seems to have more energy, too. The bag seems a little more expensive than I usually spend on pet food, but at 1 tbsp/day (tiny bun), it also lasts a really long time, so the price/month ends up being about the same. I am delighted with this product, and am recommending it to everyone I know who has bunnies. You guys have a customer for life! Thank you for creating such a wonderful product geared toward the healthiest rabbits possible! Any chance you might branch out to start making people food, too?!

Our Buns Love This!

Posted by Laura

It took about a day and a half for the rabbits to get use to the pellets but not only are the fine with the change from their commercial brand that we thought was the best, but they DEMAND these! It hasn't been long so we haven't seen much weight changes, plus the beggers make it tough to follow the daily dose recommendations. I do believe that either they have more energy or they are really extra happy and full of binkys when it is time for pellets now!

Wow Wow Wow

Posted by Ann

I have a 12 1/2 year old guy who is actually doing really well except that he has lost little weight so doctor wanted me to start him on pellets in addition to his veggies & hay ( I have never really given my buns pellets bc I try to keep their diet as close to what they eat the wild ) but at my vets request I started him on pellets , not Sherwood Forest, & he was constantly having stomach issues and seemed to always be plugged up and needing belly massages so I did a lot of research and was VERY IMPRESSED with, not only Sherwood Forest pellets, but David as well. The pellets are so green and smell so fresh, like nothing I have ever seen, side by side the other pellets had brown tinge & Sherwood was a deep green. No comparison!!! My buns go crazy for them & since they don't put any weight my baby girl can have them as well without worry of weight gain. Callie, my12 1/2 year old guy is so much more alert , active, more pep in his step & as a bunny mom I am extremely happy !!!

Finally Rabbit food without D3

Posted by Nibbler

Sherwood Forest provided me with information about the vitamins in their products upon request, very quick responses. Nibbler loves the new pellets. Please confirm that there are no animal products in these and your other type of pellets for everyone to see. It is so strange that vegans are teased about eating rabbit food when in reality, many rabbit foods are not vegan. But this one is, right? Biologist Note: Sherwood never has used vitamin D3 in any of their formulas. Read more why here:

My bunny loves it!

Posted by Liz S

I switched to these pellets on the recommendation of my vet last year. My rabbit absolutely loves them! She gets 1 tbsp per day, per my vet's instructions, and she has lost weight (she was on the larger end of normal weight before). She now weighs a perfect 7lbs 2oz down from 7lbs 12oz and is maintaining it well! She also LOVES the pellets and looks forward to them every morning. What a great product!

Awesome food!

Posted by Loki, Snickers, Lilo, Stitch

Our Flemmie mix gets so excited when she hears the pellet box opening 2 rooms away that she will jump a 3 foot high fence to come and get some! All 4 of our bunnies have much nicer coats since we started them on the supplement feed. Keep up the great work.


Posted by Donna

100% perfect and healthy for my rabbit. I have tried severl other brands and feel this IS the best!

Love it

Posted by undefined

Our two lops could not be happier.

Best Rabbit Food I've Found

Posted by Coco

My bunnies love this food and so do I! The green color and fresh smell made me realize what pellets should really be like and now this is all I buy.


Posted by undefined

Our bunny loves this food. You can tell it is made from natural ingredients by its texture and smell. We won't buy anything else!

Great Bunny Food

Posted by D

These pellets are very fresh, always made within about a month of when I receive them, they smell great, and my bunny loves them. I was so glad to find a product with no grain or soy, can't figure out why everyone else seems to think it's ok for pellets, when bunnies aren't supposed to be fed those foods. The switch to these pellets seems to have taken care of intermittent poop-foot problems, too!

The best bunny. Food

Posted by Austin

My baby's just love this stuff. Keep up the good work and making a good product for the love of are life's

A Breath of fresh air

Posted by undefined

The ingredients in this food is what all other foods should strive for! Makes me so at ease knowing my rabbits are eating only the best.

Buns love soy free noms :)

Posted by CJ and Chelsea

Our buns love this food so much. The quality is far better than any pellets from the pet store. It's a deep green color and consistently smells fresh and wholesome. I love the peace of mind knowing the buns are getting a complete nutrient while we're building the fertility of our garden :) thank you to everyone involved in this great service :)

Best food for my buns!

Posted by Mariella

This food is so wholesome and healthy! And my rabbits just adore it! Thank you so much!

The best! Two paws up :)

Posted by Sarah Massucco, Rabbitopia

We have been feeding Sherwood Forest for a few years now. We have 9 buns of our own, 3 fosters at the moment, and fosters coming and going all the time. Really great quality food, delivered quickly, price is totally worth it! *Rabbitopia*

Happy Bun

Posted by Alice

At my vets suggestion I ordered the sample to help with my lop's poop issues. Almost immediately it helped to eliminate the excess cecals. His coat is shinier and he is a much happier bun.


Posted by lori funk

My rabbit will not eat peoduct..but if i was a rabbit i would..smells great!

the best and only

Posted by judie fizer

SF natural rabbit food is unexcelled

Lovely food for your Furry Friends

Posted by Melissa

We have a dwarf lion hair rabbit who has really become part of our family. Unexpectedly he has become a best friend. So I went in search of a food that he would love & keep him healthy for many years to come. One of the issues we had with the pet store brands was he would sift through the food eat what he liked which was mostly the seeds and discard the rest. I ordered the smallest amount just to be sure he would accept it. HE LOVES it. I am so happy to have found this food. We will continue using it & we buy some seeds for small animals and add to it. He is very happy

She Loves It!

Posted by Amy

Our one and a half year old mini rex absolutely loves her food. She gets so excited when she sees us going towards the food bin that we get bunny 500s and binkies. She doesn't even wait for us to dump it in her bowl. She sticks her head in her bowl and ends up wearing some of her food. She acts like she's getting dessert. I'm happy that she is getting all of the vitamins and minerals she needs to be healthy and strong for a long, happy life.

Best on the market!

Posted by Sarah

Rabbits, cows, and horses were not created to eat grain and sadly it is in all their commercial feed. Thankfully I found this natural rabbit food! I have been giving it to some baby rabbits and their mother since they were conceived and there were no runts or stillborns! I am excited to see how they develop and how gracefully they age while on these pellets!

High quality vegan pellets

Posted by Jonathan Grindell

The buns are big fans of these pellets. I'm stoked cos they don't have vitamin D3 from sheep in them! As a no-income law student, the pellets are costly...but worth it :)

Easily The Best Brand!

Posted by Kylie

I have a Flemish giant doe and have been trying to feed her healthier. She was a little too flabby than I wanted her to be, so I bought 6 pounds of this product. I used to be on Oxbow, and after switching her over to Sherwood, I will never go back. First off, it saves me money to buy this product because you don't need to feed as many pellets, whereas with Oxbow, I was having to feed 3/4 cup. A 10 pound bag would last me a month, at the most! This 6 pound box is lasting me more than two months and my rabbit is healthier now more so than ever! She gets fed 4-6 Tbsp. of pellets a day with unlimited timothy hay and about 8 cups of veggies a day. If she, for some reason, doesn't get her veggies, I give her a little more pellets! I just took her into the vet and they gave her a perfect bill of health! She's molting a lot easier being on this feed and she seems to have a lot more energy, not to mention she loves the taste! I love this product and will definitely be recommending this to other rabbit owners.

Our lop loves these pellets

Posted by LopMama

Excellent quality food, super fresh and ships very fast. Our lop loves these pellets.

Best bunny food ever

Posted by BunnyMamaInCO

My rabbits LOVE this food, they always eat every single pellet they are given and are so healthy and happy - thanks for a great product!


Posted by Valerie

I was looking for a higher quality pellet for my 4 buns. They have been eating LM animal farms regular pellets that they were basically raised on. They seemed to have lost interest lately. I tried Oxbow bunny T basics before and they went to the extent of picking out all of their old pellets I mixed in and then dumping the bunny basics all over the floor. I gave up trying until recently when I was recommended this pellet from another bun family and I got a small bag to test the waters. It is awesome! Even my picky bun is eating them! AMAZING!!

A very good boost

Posted by James in WYO

I have added this as a twice a week booster to the normal grazing food sold here. I have seen a direct improvement in my girls claw and eye health. A very nice discovery for just my trial run. Will definitely be purchasing more.

The buns love it!

Posted by undefined

The pellets are fresh. You can smell and see the difference. You cannot find that kind of quality with the store bought pellets. Most importantly my rabbits love them and I feel good about giving them such a quality product. I can see the wonderful results everytime I look at my healthy rabbits.

Better than other brands!

Posted by Hilary Stern DVM

As a bunny vet I am very careful about what I feed my own rabbit, and what I recommend that my clients feed their pets. This food is really different from the other brands out there, and is better. My own rabbit has a much sleeker and shinier coat on Sherwood Forest, and is healthier than ever. My rabbit-owning clients tell me the same thing. Thank you Sherwood Forest!

still loving it

Posted by undefined

Furrgus and Pebbles have been on Sherwood Pellets for a year and couldn't be happier!!

they are hungry for it!

Posted by judie fizer

My buns now ravage the dish of pellets. I had to draw back on how much I give as I have the concentrate. My new little girl started going off her hay! So now she's back to the hay. I won't use anything but Sherwood and wish there was a way I could explain to others why they can feed alfalfa after 1 year

Best baby food

Posted by Richard Gibson

I like the baby food the best. It great when they are little.

Great Food

Posted by P Varner

I will always purchase your food for my rabbits. They love it and need to start getting the bigger bags.

Best. Food ever

Posted by Austin

Thank you for putting out a great product it look great fresh and my bunny's love it !that all they get now so thank you you've made this bunny papi. Very happy

Rabbits Love it!

Posted by Princessaloura

My rabbits love the new pellets. I like how fresh smelling and vibrant green the product is. Not like the other store brands where it looks older and more processed. Love the product.

Best bunny food

Posted by Lahoma Howard

My 3 rabbits absolutely love this food. They are healthy and happy and have never had any sort of digestive issues since we started them on the Sherwood Forest food. They really love it too - they get very excited when they know it is pellet time every day. Thanks for a great product!

Fresh, natural, GREEN and tasty!

Posted by Eunice

Wow!!! Your rabbits are gonna LOVE Sherwood Forest Adult Rabbit Food. As soon as you open the bag, you smell the difference. It's fragrant. It actually smells "green", Is that possible? It smells fresh. And it's naturally GREEN...not dingy grey-green. It's rich, fresh, green rabbit food. It looks like it came out of the garden this morning. My rabbits are noticeably more interested in this food than anything else I give them. Yes, it's a bit more expensive. But it's worth it....and your rabbits are, too! Please try a bag.

Thank goodness for this food!

Posted by Cindy

My bunny loves it and it's good for her!

Great Supplement for Adult Rabbits

Posted by Phil

Our rabbits love the concentrated formula. It's a great supplement to their diet. Products have production dates on them (which is more than I can say for most human food). Delivery was prompt, but my favorite local pet shop just started carrying SF, so I guess I'll be buying it locally. :)

My baby's love. It

Posted by Austin Torres

Thank you for Making a great product. My bunny's love it. They eat it up. I was giving them other stuff but they don't like it as much your product

Our rabbits love it!

Posted by Kim Burtsfield

We have four house rabbits and they love these pellets. Every morning they get a quarter cup and by the time we get home from work they are all gone! We give them four paws up!

best rabbit food I have found

Posted by undefined

Thank-you for making a healthy product for rabbits. They enjoy your rabbit food as a supplement to a wild diet.

love it

Posted by catslovecats747

My Rabbit loves this food best rabbit food in the world and there coming out with a guinea pig food with just as good ingredients. ;)

My Bunnies Love It

Posted by Chris

We're new to this product, but my bunnies loved it right away. I feel good about it because it's top quality, nice and fresh. What's not to love?

Fantastic Food

Posted by undefined

I have several bunnies. A couple of them took to the food immediately and a couple were getting thinner by the day and not eating it! Just when I was about to give up on feeding it to them, they began eating it and I soon ran out unexpectedly because they started eating a full portion every day. Now they all eat it happily, they are healthy, happy and lively. It's a pleasure to see them thriving on it.

Improved Coat

Posted by Michael

I have three Holland Lops and one of them seemed to always have hair coming out. Since I've ordered from here her coat has improved drastically. The pellets are the freshest I've seen. Worth the money! Will continue to order your pellets!

Happy Bunny!

Posted by undefined

Thank you so much for offering the free 2 lb trail pack. We just recently added Winston (an 11 week old Holland Lop) to our family. He was not going for the other food we offered and I stumbled across your website in a google search for best rabbit food. Once I filled Winstons bowl with your pellets he went to town eating. He now hops around his cage in excitement when I go to fill his bowl. Thank you for offering such a wonderful product, we will never buy rabbit food anywhere else. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a happy healthy bunny!!

My Bunnies are so happy!

Posted by Melanie

Thank you! My bunnies are so happy! I raise Angora, and their fibers are shining and lush!

Superior food = healthier rabbit.

Posted by Melinda (and Spaz)

I will never order another pellet! These are so fresh and green, and the ingredients are superior to that of any other pellet. My rabbit has had both the baby formula and adult formula. He devours his food and never exhibits digestive issues. He's a healthy, happy, and hoppy bun. Thanks SF!

New customer - giving feed back

Posted by Cathy

My two rabbits have gone threw the sample you so kindly offered , I am now on my first 6 pound box, my rabbits absolutely love this food , they hear when I pick up the container I keep the food in and go crazy , hope it's a healthy choice for them and they live a long hoppy life.

Best Food Ever

Posted by Leslie Martins

This so so fresh rabbit food it looks so healthy and it Got our rabbit back to her healthy self. I will order again !!

Know I'm Feeding my Babies the Best

Posted by Christine

Love Sherwood Forest: the visible freshness of the pellets, it's superior content, the openness of the company's principals, the speedy delivery, and the impact it has on my buns. I began using SF last year with my now-departed senior bun, whose coat and poop problems improved quickly after just a few weeks on SF. Wish I had started him sooner. I now have two 14-week olds, whom I started on the baby formulation and recently moved to the adult food. It is great knowing that I am starting them off right, and don't have to worry about hidden sugars and chemicals.

The best food ever

Posted by Austin

I Used to get my bunny's food in a pet store but since finding you and your food , I stop looking my baby's love it ,so this is there food for life. And there not to big on the hay. So this is a nice balance in there dietary needs so from my family to yours Thank you

Freshest rabbit food on the market

Posted by undefined

Premium pellets, so fresh it's still green! I only hope your success continues and we will be seeing more of your food all over the country.

Fast shipping, the rabbits love it!

Posted by Blue Bunny Rabbitry

I tried this product with no problems. All the rabbits loved it. And I loved it because I knew I was feeding my rabbits the best. Thank you so much! Please continue to provide wheat free, corn free, soy free products!

Nice and fresh, fast shipping

Posted by Tom

I fortify my rabbit timothy hay with Fortifying Essentials and she is happy and healthy with a beautiful coat.

bun loves green fresh amazing!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bunnylover235

This rabbit food is by far the best!!! my bunny is 1 years old and loves it she gets so excited when i open the bag theses pellets are so fresh and green compared to regular pellets like oxbow my bunny is always so happy and has a shiny coat thanks sherwood for making the best rabbit food ever =-)

Best Food We've Tried!

Posted by Sarah Massucco (Rabbitopia)

We have switched all 9 of our buns to Sherwood Forest food. Right now we also have 4 fosters and we are feeding them SF food as well. Paws up from every bun! We have 2 with sludgy urine issues on occasion in the past, those seem to have disappeared with the Sherwood Forest food. We actually are able to feed less and our fosters who needed to gain weight have. We are also feeding good grass and timothy hay, which we are able to buy locally.

Odorless bunny waste!

Posted by Leah

This is the only rabbit food I've given my bunny since she was born. I have never had an issue with "smelly" litter. She doesn't get irritable nor have a tummy ache. Her coat is always shiny and she has never turned her nose to the pellets. Thanks Sherwood <3

This is the best, and freshest rabbit pellets available.

Posted by undefined

I have a 16 yr old havana rabbit that just loves these pellets.

My rabbits love it!

Posted by undefined

I have two domestic bunnehs and a cottontail, and they all love the natural rabbit food. Plus it is good for my orange bunneh that is on a diet.


Posted by undefined

I LOVE the SIZE of the pellet and the freshness but adult rabbits DONE NEED ALFALFA pellets due to the increased Ca. content ** Note from Sherwood Forest -See webpage on calcium:


Posted by Julie Thompson

Arrives fast. F

Very Healthy

Posted by Valerie

My mini rex Coco loves your food. He has so much more energy now & his fur is so soft & shines. I started him on the baby rabbit SF Food & when he was 12 weeks old switched him to the SF adult food.

Won't settle for less!

Posted by Jeni Wittrock, Bunbun & Scooter, Bean & Lucky, Dallas & Baxter, & Comet

I had heard many success stories about special needs bunnies who greatly benefitted from being switched to Sherwood Forest brand rabbit food. I finally decided to give it a try. All 7 of my bunnies love it, including my 2 elder bunnies (8+) and my 2 disabled bunnies. In all honesty, I'm a tough critic. I'm a label-reader and I keep up to date with the latest rabbit nutrition information; all the same, when I received the Sherwood Forest food, I was very impressed. The price, freshness, ingredients, and overall quality of Sherwood forest was so much better than that of any other rabbit food I'd encountered. I get many complements on my bunnies' soft, beautiful coats--even the older bunnies! So I'm sticking with SF for all 7 of my housebunnies from now on. A side note: I'd like to report that, in my experience, SF customers are treated very kindly and respectfully, so any interaction with customer service are quick, polite, and painless. I want the best for my bunnies. That's why we'll stick with SF!!! :)

The best!

Posted by Sonn

My rabbits are extremely picky and two of them have issues with pellets causing poopy butt. I decided to give this food a try and it is amazing. As soon as I put it in with their old food all of them picked out the new food and left the old food! And no more poopy butt! Plus they are maintaining their weight well and their hair is so so so soft.

Healthier Rabbits

Posted by Linda

When I first started my bunnies on the Fortifying Essentials (F/E), I started noticing what looked like sludge in their urine. I wrote to David and he explained the possible cause. After a couple of weeks, it cleared up. One of my bunnies had dandruff all over the back side of her ears. She's been on the F/E for almost two months now and her dandruff has cleared up almost completely, and I expect that within another week or two, it will be completely gone. To my knowledge, Sherwood Forest foods are the only food without all of the carbohydrate fillers. I've seen no other foods of this quality for bunnies, and my bunnies go absolutely bananas for it. I didn't need to transition them slowly either because it doesn't contain carbs. I just switched them immediately from their old food to the F/E's. David is very knowlegdeable and prompt in his replies. The customer service is awesome! Shipping is very fast too.

So Glad to Have Found Sherwood Forest

Posted by Christine

SF was recommended by another bunnymom. My senior boy has been developing some digestive sensitivities and a pretty ragged-looking coat over the past few years. I started him on SF in the spring, and the changes were rapid and positive. The poopy problems cleared up and his coat looks markedly better. He is much better off due to this dietary change.

adult rabbit food

Posted by Lorraine Pierre

Sorry...but my 4 rabbits will not eat this food... I have even mixed it with their old food and they will pick thru and leave behind sherwood forest food. I have no idea why ? But what i see from this food..its dark green, smells wonderful and was delivered very fast. I would recomend sherwood forest to everyone.. dont go by my buns..i would try it and see how your buns enjoy it. Sorry i had to give it 2 stars

Very pleased and highly recommend

Posted by Jeremy Dockery

As a veterinary technician I completed a lot of research for the best rabbit food. I was very impressed with the ingredients and the other recommendations from other people who have used this food. Food arrives within two days of ordering. All of my rabbits loves the food, growing well, and coats look great! My only complaint is that I can't order a package more than 19#'s. Highly recommend this food to all my friends and clients.

Better for Bunny's Belly

Posted by Lynda

I wish I knew where to find your product years ago. I have spent years cleaning up after my rabbits soft stool and hated it! Now her belly agrees with her diet and we are both very happy.

My bunnies love it!

Posted by Stephanie

It's truly hard to find healthy food for rabbits. This is the best quality pellets I've come across in my 9+ years of having rabbits. After switching 3 months ago, I'd never go back. They love the pellets, and they were very fresh and came fast. Reordering!

Yum Yum

Posted by undefined

Bandit is our third bunny and he has been on the Sherwood Forest adult rabbit food with hay and treats for the past 6 weeks. He goes right for it, so its obviously tasty.


Posted by Linda B.

It smells fresh, it looks fresh and my bunnies love it. Awesome customer service too.

Nothing but the best

Posted by erica

This is the freshest, greenest, BEST hay for our babies. We're thrilled to have found this product!

Bless the makers of this

Posted by Robin

My rabbit almost died from commercial rabbit food. He is completely healthy and happy on these pellets. You can smell the freshness and quality as soon as you open the bag. I am very thankful to people who spent the time working on this formula, it must have been a lot of hard work, but well worth all the healthy happy rabbits. Thank you.

Improves digestion and coat

Posted by undefined

One of our bunnies was experiencing digestive troubles after eating food containing additives. The brand we had been using changed their formula and and not the packaging, so we did not notice at first. Sherwood Forest adult food has been the best decision for us. We feed with hay. After a few days they showed more energy and grew a beautifully soft coat. They are even more relaxed around the house.

Bunnies love it !

Posted by Derrick

We have 7 rescue bunnies living with us . We try to give them the best diet that we can . These pellets are top notch . You could smell the how fresh these pellets are while they were still in the shipping box. The bunnies didn't hesitate at all to eat these pellets. I mixed them in with the remaining pellets that they used to eat just to give their stomachs time to adjust. Now they eat these pellets exclusively and they love 'em . Yes they are a little more expensive than the store bought; but you're paying for quality, fresh, pure ingredients . Not a lot of fillers. This will hopefully stave off stomach illness as the bunnies age hence savings at the vets. 2 bunny ears up for these pellets


Posted by undefined

bunnies didn't seem to care for it as much as they love their Oxbow pellets. of course we know buns hate change so I thougt I would feed half and half and just wean them off the Oxbow. then I tried to place an order and your site wouldn't allow it. kept telling me my email address wasn't valid. I think I know my email address. tried several times and finally gave up.

Back for more

Posted by undefined

About a month ago my angora suddenly stopped eating his M/S. He was his usual self otherwise, so I wrote and asked if there had been a formulation change. I was assured there hadn't been and everyone was just as baffled as me. Dave sent a bag of the F/E to try. My bunny was eating hay just fine. For whatever reason, he decided he needed to switch to the F/E and is back to his old self. If bunnies did cartwheels, mine would be doing them! And thanks to Everyone for listening to me and helping to solve the situation.

Encourages an Ailing Rabbit to Eat

Posted by Nancy Ainsworth

We have an 8 year old spayed female who has recently been diagnosed with a thymoma. Among other symptoms she has not been interested in her previous pelleted food. I decided I had nothing to lose by trying the sample bag to see if we could entice Daisy to eat. We found she chooses this over her regular food and at this point we are so happy she is eating. The thymoma may be her undoing but until that time I feel like we can fight back and buy some time with good nutrition, and Daisy has picked Sherwood.

The Bunnies Loved It

Posted by Ruth

My sample came, which in my opionion is a generous sample. Even paying the shipping made it about the same price per pound as what I am feeding now. Anyway, I opened the package and handfed them some pieces and they ate it immediately. I mix it with their other food to get them used to it and they eat all around the other food first to get to your stuff. I bought the concentrated formula because my two eat veggies and love their hay. Both of which I think are important in their diet. I love that there is no soy or wheat. The oxbow natural science adult maintenance is soy and wheat free as well and a good product so I may alternate between yours and that. I am most definitely ordering this food again once my sample gets low because they absolutely love it and it is nice and green thus filler free. So glad my friend posted about your food on facebook or I never would have known about it. I cant wait to try them on just this for about a month to see if their coats and energy are any different

I Only feed top of the line to my bunnies

Posted by undefined

It is very difficult to buy rabbit pellets without soy in it and who know's what else. My rabbits deserve only the best, I will continue to buy only the best.

The best and the freshest rabbit ever!

Posted by Roberta

Just like my head line says! Such fast delivery as well! And when you open the box, you can Smell and see the lush green pellets Compared to dull, dry pet store food! My "baby boy" is now 10 years old and Still going! I switched him over to this food About 2 years, after receiving a sample From a rabbit show! I am so glad that you Guys were there!! As long as I have rabbits, I will always be a Faithful customer! Thank you! Sincerely, Roberta and "Cesare!"

Gobbled it right up

Posted by Vickie

I ordered the 2# concentrated feed sample to try because I believe it is important for my bunnies to eat unlimited timothy hay which they love. Even though I had to pay for shipping it is still a very generous sample and it cost the same per pound as the oxbow I am feeding. The food looked and smelled wonderful but the true test was would my bunnies accept it. I handfed both of them some pellets and wouldn't you know they gobbled them right up. I still have alot of oxbow but will definitley be ordering these pellets once they are gone. In the meantime I will be adding the Sherwood pellets to their bowl each day to get them used to it digestion wise. The freshness date and quality of this food can't be beat. The closest 2nd in quality are the oxbow natural science adult maintenance pellets I am feeding now.

holland lop loves it

Posted by Christy Borton

My rabbit clover LOVES this at first she was a little iffy but now she loves it she poos and pees a lot less i had a different bunny before and he didn't eat sherwood and wow lot of poo very good food bun loves great ingredients NO soy, wheat, or soy awesome thank you.

One bunny loves these, the other won't touch them.

Posted by Elizsa

I have two rabbits. One loves these and took to them immediately. My other bunny would not touch these. I am baffled as to why because these pellets smell so good and are nice and fresh. I tried mixing them with his usual pellets but he still wouldn't eat them. I guess he is just being fussy about it. Oh well, that means more for my other bun.


Posted by Dee in Texas

My bun is very picky and she resisted switch from her high sugar store bought food to this very healthy natural food. I contacted the Sherwood forest and they sent me a free replacement of a diff kind. After about 5days my bun loves the org food I ordered!! She cant get enough!! She has so much energy and Im no longer havn to explain why my hm sometimes spells like ammonia cause her urine doesn't smell anymore once we got the sugar from her system. I have recommened this product to several peopl eand I look forward to continued services from this company.

They love it!

Posted by Suzanne

I just switched over both of my Holland Lop Rabbits, 1 year old, two weeks ago. They love it! I am feeding Maintenance, but they still eat some hay, so I also supplement with 1 T. essentials each day to be sure they are getting all of the nutrition they need. They seem to be doing very well. Their fur is getting softer and shiner too!

Nothing but the best for my 4 house bunnies

Posted by Robin

I had been feeding my 4 beloved house rabbits a high quality pellet brand, but then I noticed the top ingredients were the most genetically-modified (GMO) ingredients in the USA: wheat, soy and corn. Plus the 5th ingredient was molasses. I don't believe bunnies should be eating those fillers, especially GMO. So we tried Sherwood and notice how fresh it smells and rich green it looks. Right now mixing 50-50 with the other brand, eventually moving totally to Sherwood. (Rabbits' digestive systems are sensitive, so need to gradually introduce new feed). Great product!

Awesome product

Posted by Jan

I have a dwarf netherland bunny,who is extremely picky about what he will eat. He absolutely loves these pellets. When I opened the package, they smelled really fresh ,nothing like the pellets you get at the pet store little ricki and I are hooked!

Kudos from Robin Hood and the Sheriff!

Posted by Kim

I was so happy to find a feed that does not contain fillers and other unsafe/useless ingredients. My two bucks (Robin and Sheriff!) love it. And, to find a feed to match their names really gave me a laugh!

Bunny had loss of appetite but loves Sherwood

Posted by undefined

One of my bunnies had lost a lot of weight due to illness and radiation treatment. I think the Sherwood Forest pellets have helped her put on some weight and I see that she really enjoys them.

Sherwood has really helped our Holly!

Posted by Sandra

We recently got a 3.5 months old Holland Lop girl and she was constantly overproducing cecotropes. She would not eat them, they would be smelly and stick to her bottom. At 3.5 months old, she was only 1 lbs. We wanted to switch her from the timothy pellets she had been on to Oxbow Young Rabbit pellets (she never got any veggies) but the overproduction continued. In the end we took all pellets from her and she was on a hay only diet which seemed to help her. As she was already so small, we were however worried that she would not grow properly on such a diet (she also acted like she was starving...) and by researching online we found Sherwood. We started her on Sherwood baby pellets about a month ago and after a few days she stopped overproducing cecotropes and I saw her eat them for the first time! She also seemed to have more energy. She has now been bonded with our 6 months old neutered Mini Lop and we have now switched both to Sherwood Adult Rabbit Food (Fortifying Essentials - we feed unlimited hay with the pellets). They both seem happy and their coats are beautiful and shiny! We are also feeding Sherwood to our 11 week old Lop (her coat was pretty rough 3 weeks ago and now she looks amazing!) and will be switching our 1 year old New Zealand White to Sherwood as well.

Fussy bunny changes her mind

Posted by undefined

My middle-aged French Angora lost all interest in her quality pelleted food. More than one review, below, is a familiar story, with bunny going off her feed. Same outcome, too, after beginning Sherwood Forest ... she is enjoying this aromatic, fresh food. Can't wait to see how her coat responds! I highly recommend this feed.

Excellent quality. Bunny knows best!

Posted by Sadie

Our dwarf/lionhead mix had just been sick and had lost all interest in his oxbow pellets. Rather than continue to syringe feed him critical care (he ended up with more of it on his fur than in his tummy unfortunately) I thought i would try Sherwood Forest pellets. He loved it! In fact, I tried to feed him a mix of the old oxbow and new pellets but clever bunny would pick out the green Sherwood Forest and leave the brown oxbow in his bowl. No question that Sherwood Forest looks and smells fresher!

Not enough stars for this food

Posted by Paul

I rescued a Holland Lop about a year ago and he was known to have serious digestive problems. All he was able to eat was straight hay and some green vegetables. Any introduction of pellets would cause him to be very sick. He was very small for his breed but in good health. I contacted Sherwood Forest and told them my problem. Great costumer service and replies for any questions I had. I received a sample of the adult Rabbit food and started adding it gradually to his food. Before, any introduction of even the smallest amount of pellets would cause problems within 24hrs. The Sherwood Forest food NEVER caused any problems for him. Within the first week he was actually eating pellets for the first time without any side effects. After 10 Months on the adult rabbit food he has gained weight to his perfect size for the breed, coat is much smoother and he has a lot more energy and Bunny Bounces every morning when I bring the bowl across the room to his house. This food has made all the difference in his life and I am more then pleased, I am grateful for such a product. I have alerted the adoption group I found him at and they are now starting to refer people to this food, not only for digestive problems but because it obviously is the best food out there.

Smells so fresh! Rabbits love it!

Posted by undefined

I just recently purchased a Polish Jr. Buck for my daughter to start showing in 4-H and I bought him knowing he was a picky eater. I had raised rabbits for years and was a showmanship judge so the breeder was comfortable letting us take on the challenge as she wanted to make sure he got the needed attention to his diet. He was on Templeton feed with some hay and a little bit of a wheat show mixture (like 1/2 tsp every couple days). He was given controlled rations and still never had an empty bowl at each feeding. That indicated he wasn't eating very much and was relying on his hay for most of his diet. I can't readily get Templeton so I started searching the web and reading labels looking for something different. I found your site, read your ingredients, and was very impressed. I thought it wouldn't hurt to at least try. I bought the fortifying essentials formula because I still like to feed them some hay. I'll be honest, they didn't get hooked instantly, but now a good two weeks later and our little picky eater is eagerly awaiting his food both morning and night and I've been able to increase his rations to almost what a rabbit his size should be getting and cleaning up. The food smells so fresh and I feel good knowing that the feed they are getting is so natural and tailored to their needs considering their size, they don't each much to begin with so every bite needs to count. I've spread the word to others as well because I was so impressed with the quality and the super quick shipping. Also love I can buy smaller quantities so the food is always fresh.

I would give this food 10 stars

Posted by Rhonda

I have a 7 year old doe and 6 -7 year old buck (rescue). I love my buns!! I was skeptical they would like this food since there were no treats in the feed. My buns absolutely love this food. They acutally eating from the bag while I am scooping their portion. I would have to put fruit pieces in the store-bought food to get my buns to eat it... NEVERMORE!! As long as my buns are in my life I will buy from Sherwood!!This company is the gold-star of rabbit food!!!!

High quality

Posted by undefined

I stumbled across this product while looking for a soy-free rabbit food. My younger son is highly allergic to soy and we were just not comfortable with him handling soy when he fed the bunny, not to mention the soy residue that was likely to be present everywhere. I was amazed when the product came - it is a vibrant, natural green and looks so much fresher than the rabbit food available locally. The shipping is amazingly fast. It comes to us in Maine (from Utah) in two to three days. Our rabbit is also much more excited about eating this food. The other stuff he didn't really care for. When someone goes to scoop out the Sherwood food, he gets all excited, standing on his hind legs and sniffing like crazy.

The buns couldn't be happier!

Posted by Dickson family

This marks our third purchase of your top-quality rabbit food product. Keep up the good work!

Our bunny loves it!

Posted by undefined

Our bunny loves Sherwood rabbit food. She started on the Mama's milk when she was younger and loved that as well.

Quality Food

Posted by Stacie

The pellets are fragrant and a beautiful rich green. You can see and smell that this is a high quality food. My bunny eats it and she has always been picky. Thanks so much!

Can't be beaten

Posted by Erica

After trying these pellets, our rabbits are beyond exuberant not only while eating, but afterward. They seem to give energy and vigor that others can't. Our buns now don't even care for their old Oxbow favorites! They are all about their Sherwood pellets. Thank you for a fine product.

Our picky Rabbit loves Sherwood

Posted by David K.

I can't tell you how much money we've wasted on different brands of "premium" pellets over the years. Our bunny, Buster, would barely touch any of them until we ordered the sample of Sherwood Fortifying Essentials. He dug right in like he was getting a special treat and consistently eats all we give him. Thanks also for great customer service. We'll definitely be buying more soon.

Flower love it!

Posted by Deena & Flower

Flower, my rescue bunny loves Sherwood Forrest Rabbit food. She can't get her head into the food dish fast enough when I feed her. Thank you for the free sample and I'm going to place my order as soon as I finish.

Crazy for it

Posted by Kurtis

OK I might have to send back the sample Sherwood Forrest Pet Rabbit food. My 4 rabbits think it is a treat, they finish one mouthful then run around the house like wild banshees then return to their food bowl for another mouthful. OK actually I will probably be ordering it the next time I need food.

Very nutritious, easy to feed

Posted by Susan

Cookie is gaining weight and his digestion is more efficient with this new food. He is eating hay free-feed with his concentrated pellet---he gets just under 1/4 cup her day, at night. I am excited to find such a healthy alternative to Oxbow and other so-called healthy brands.

Soft & Shiny Bunnies

Posted by Lucy

I just want to say I love these pellets. My husband and I have been removing unhealthy stuff from our diet and were very upset when we realized the awful ingredients that were in our babies’ old pellets. After researching the few options on the market for a pellet that is actually dietary sound for rabbits we took a shot at Sherwood Forest’s Concentrated pellets. I have to admit the first time we put the pellets in Sawyer and Sophie’s bowl that looked at us like what in the world is this. We ended up mixing these pellets with their old pellets for a few days until they decided they weren’t that bad. They still don’t scarf them down like to old ones but considering molasses was in fifth or sixth ingredient in their old stuff I can understand, besides the bowl always gets emptied and their hay intake has now doubled which is a great plus. My Sophie has always been prone to Stasis, as a matter of fact she has went into Stasis about the same time the past three years. After finding out what was actually in her food my hope is that this food will also help her digestion. I know this may be a little too much information but I have seen a great change in their droppings, they are smaller, a much healthier color and with no more strings of droppings. The most remarkable change has been in their coats. Sawyer has always had a coarser coat than Sophie but after just a few weeks both Sawyer and Sophie have shinier and softer fur. After brushing them this weekend, even my husband admitted that he thought that they both looked like new buns and ended up petting Sawyer until he couldn’t take it anymore. I am very happy with you product and look forward to seeing the other improvements your pellets will make in Sawyer and Sophie’s health!

Awesome product

Posted by undefined

My bunny doesn't like pellets or hay, pretty strange. He only wants his greens. I tried a bag of pellets from Sherwood Forrest and they became an instant hit!! We will be buying more soon. Thanks!! Peanut and Scott

My buns will eat anything!

Posted by undefined

They love this formula as much as the original, I don't think they can tell the difference. I like the smell of the old formula better, this one smells like vitamins.

It's a Hit

Posted by Diana

I care for house rabbits. We were enjoying the original formula, but in limited amounts. The recommended feeding of the concentrate is more in alignment with their hay and greens consumption. We've gone through one 19 pound bag and have ordered another. They all ate it enthusiastically right away and there have been no digestive issues. The two slightly over weight bunnies seems a little slimmer.

Bunnies loved it

Posted by Missy

Pellets were dark green not gray like most pellets. Must have been fortified with fresh wholesome nutrients. Bunnies enjoyed it over their other pellet food.

Netherland Dwarf likes Sherwood Forest F/E

Posted by Arlene

My bunny really likes it!

Never looked so healthy

Posted by Angelica Frels

All that I can tell you is that my rabbits love this food. I have three rabbits and they never look this healthy before and no diarrhea! Definitely I will be keeping buying your product.

We love it

Posted by Jenny Lim

YUMMY!! That's probably what my bunnies say. They would beg for the food and surprisingly, their appetite is really good after having these pellets because the amount of hay that I provide them will always finish by the end of the day. But if I give a little of the first formula and a little of these, they dived straight to the latter. Funny little bunnies just can't resist the goodness from these pellets :)

Not sure yet

Posted by Delores Harris

My bunnies are taking their time eating this new pellet but do seem to nibble at it. I leave their old pellets out with this new one and let them choose. It is so green and fresh and I'm sure is much better for them than the store bought junk they started on. My intention is to wean them off the unhealthy food and switch them to yours. I'm just learning about bunnies and want to do all the right things. Nothing is too good for my babies!

Like it too much!!!

Posted by undefined

I always feed your other food, and they loved it but stopped eating hay for me, so when you starting offering this I figured I would try it they eat a little hay but just wants the food so next time I order I think I might go back to the original one. Thanks

happy bunnies!

Posted by Treble, Chocolate and Moo Cow

My two angoras and one jersey wooly sucked down that 19 pounds in no time. I have always fed them organic hay anyways, so there was no change in their regular routine. They chow down on this stuff and their coats are gorgeous. Treble, Chocolate and Moo Cow want you to order this for your bunnies. You'll be glad you did!

My rabbit loved it but her tummy didn't!

Posted by Cheri

We have been feeding the standard Sherwood Forest food, but I only gave her 1/4 a day and still fed her greens and hay. When the new formulation came out, I ordered the free sample. I started mixing it slowly with her current SF pellets. Immediately her poops became smaller. Over about 2 weeks I slowly added more until she was only on the new formula. She's 7lbs and I never gave her more than 1/4 c. She right away got poopy but. She LOVED the taste but kept having tiny poops and a messy but. I went back to the older formulation and her poops went back to normal and no more poopy butt. I guess we will have to stay with the old formula!

Shiny happy rabbits

Posted by Sarah

I have used one large box of your regular rabbit feed and have just recently switched to your concentrated feed. I am very happy with both options, my rabbits seem hungrier on the concentrated feed and get VERY excited when it's feeding time, I guess my only concern is that they are starving but they have free choice hay all the time and are not loosing weight so I can rest assured that they just LOVE these pellets. I recently purchased an unhealthy run-down young buck and he is doing amazingly well now that I have him switched over to your feed, his coat is smooth and shiny now instead of wiry an dry and he is happy and looking for food at feeding time instead of hanging his head in the corner. It only took about 7-10 days on your feed to notice a HUGE difference in his coat and personality. Thank you for a great product, I only wish it was more affordable and available locally in larger bags.

Bunnies Love it

Posted by undefined

At first my 2 bunnies were like what is this stuff. But after about a week they couldn't get enough of it. There coats look much healthier and they are much more active. Plus I love that there is not alot of "dust" in there bowl or at the bottom of the bag.

Slow to accept this food.

Posted by Delores Harris

My buns would not eat this at first but after a couple of weeks having it available on the side, they seem more interested in nibbling. Will give it another week or so before reordering. Not sure if my bunnies really need a pellet this high in protein. They are strictly pets and love bunnies for us. I wonder if this food is as hard for them to eat as a 30 gm protein bar is for me!

My rabbits switched over easy peasy

Posted by Kelly

I received my first box of concentrated M/S earlier this week. I fed according to directions and I don't think the rabbits even noticed I had changed feeds. Great job with consistency among your different feeds. They ate up all their tasty pellets like they usually do and happily munched on their hay. Everyone is doing great so far! And I save a few bucks feeding my buns. Thanks!


Is Alfalfa Bad for Adult Rabbits?

You may have read on-line or heard your vet and others say that adult rabbits should not eat alfalfa. You may have even taught this yourself. The idea of feeding foods containing alfalfa may scare or anger you. How alfalfa is actually healthier... and this may surprise you.

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